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How programming, scripting and markup languages are different?

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Various types of languages ​​are used in coding. And they all serve their specific purpose.
Programming languages
This concept implies a set of rules that tell a computer what and how it should do. A programming language gives the machine instructions it understands to do a specific task. It builds a clear algorithm that the PC must follow to get the desired result.
For effective work, you need not only to understand syntactic constructions, but also to correctly use data structures, algorithms, etc.
Programming languages ​​include Python, C #, Java, Go, and others.
Markup languages
As the name suggests, these languages ​​are associated with visual elements. They are used in order to arrange the presentation of data, to set the parameters of their appearance. The two most powerful examples of this type are standardized HTML and extensible XML.
Markup languages ​​are made up of tags that describe the various elements of a document. These elements are readable as they contain plain text.
There are several flavors of markup languages. They differ in that they are intended for different purposes. For example, HTML mainly structures a website, while XML stores and transports structured data.
Scripting languages
This kind of tools is needed to integrate with others. The most popular scripting languages now are Ruby, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, etc. For example, PHP is usually used in tandem with HTML.
Because scripting languages interpret directly from source code, they are much faster than compiled programming languages.

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